Friday, August 14, 2015

What's less predictable than what's going to come out of Donald Trump's mouth? Potty training.

On Monday, Wesley started wearing "big boy pants" to school. That first day proceeded beautifully; he was actually wearing the exact same thing I left him in that morning. No accidents! 

And then there was the rest of the week.

He was waiting in spare clothes every afternoon.He did manage to go at least once at school Tuesday and Wednesday, but yesterday and today? He just refused. Tears ensued when he missed playtime to sit on the potty. 

Because of that, I felt like everyone thought I was a liar when I dropped him off this morning. 

He had zero accidents at home yesterday. He went potty four times from the time we got home until his bath (after his bath, we put a Pull-Up on him for bed). Immediately after waking this morning, he went, and then again before we left for school. He was so excited, as this picture indicates.

When Tobias and I got to school this afternoon, we found out that he had apparently peed his pants five minutes after I left! He didn't go at school once. :( I felt disappointed, but also embarrassed because I know they had to be at least a little skeptical of what I had said about yesterday's and this morning's successes. (All three are very nice ladies though, so maybe I'm just being self-conscious.)

But within two minutes of walking through the door earlier, he said, "I go potty!" I stopped putting away groceries to help him get situated on the potty, and then told him I'd be back. From the kitchen I heard him yell, "Say yay, guys, say yay!" I go back there, and he had peed without being watched. Just now, he told Tobias he had to go, and after barely sitting down, he went. Maybe he has performance anxiety at school? Haha. More likely, he doesn't want to quit playing with his friends and toys to do something as boring as sit on the pot. 

A childhood neighbor commented on Facebook the other day that potty training is such a challenge. I agree because it's totally up to them, and we all know how logical and rational the brains of two year olds are.  

It's Friday, so I guess we will see how the weekend goes. We already bought groceries and are going to lay low at home to avoid any potential away-from-the-house accidents. Cross your fingers for us (and all potty-training parents)! 

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