Saturday, January 28, 2012

Substitute Creacher...or as I would call it: Mrs. Rühl's Life in Verse

Substitute Creacher by Chris Gall

I received a shipment of new books at work this week, and was making AR tests for a few when I came across this read. It's cute in a familiar way--bad kid turns into a monster to right his wrongs. Mr. Creacher subs for a class of unruly students, and he warns them of terrible outcomes to students he previously taught.

I liked the story, particularly the art work, but what made me write about it today is a poem about one of Mr. Creacher's former students, Sara. Now if you've worked or lived with me in the past ( . . . or present), it might be correct to say that I'm a cluttered person. As a teacher, I used to have issues with keeping my desk neat. Said issues may or may not have been severe enough that students would warn me about keeping it clean. "Mrs. Rühl, you're desk is getting too messy again. You're going to get in trouble again!" Fortunately, as a librarian, I have multiple desks and tables in the library and in my office, so there isn't a mountain of clutter piled high. 

Anyway, this part of the book spoke to me in volumes. And I chuckled outwardly after reading it.

Have you heard about Sara?
She crammed all her stuff
inside of her desk--
but enough was enough!

Her desk was so full
that it started to shake.
It rattled and lurched
like a minor earthquake.

Kids ran for their lives

ant the teachers threw fits,
and then Sara's desk
blew itself into bits.

It's a fun book for Halloween, or if you have students who are driving you crazy. Of course, you can also use it if you have a student who needs to learn some organizational skills.
 Target age range: elementary grades

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