Monday, January 30, 2012

The Baby-Sitters Club (20 years later)

The Baby-Sitters Club (graphic novels) adapted by Raina Telgemeier

When I was growing up, I adored The Baby-Sitters Club series. I spent birthday money on the books, I checked them out from the library, I borrowed them from whoever I could. I even paid the $5 advertised in the back of the book to be a fan club member. I still have a box full of paperbacks in my office here at home. Let me say it again, "I adored the BSC."

I've spent the past five years watching middle schoolers read about drugs, sex, alcoholism, abuse, and other topics that are (in my opinion) inappropriate for preteens. What happened to reading that could be fun and relevant without having an explicit sex scene on page 86? (In case you can't tell, I bought a book specifically for my classroom and THANK GOD I read it prior to putting it in my class.) I want kids to understand that reading can be entertaining without being lewd or crass.

Imagine my delight when I placed an order back in October and saw that the first four BSC novels are now available in a graphic novel form. They tell the same stories, albeit abridged, but use a medium that pique the interests of today's kids. However, a group of fourth graders came in the library today and checked out the actual novels since they had read the newer versions. 

I know that these books aren't ever going to end up in the "Classics" section of a bookstore, but they're clean fun for kids. According to Wikipedia, 17 million copies were sold between 1986 and 2000, which goes to show that kids in the 80s, 90s, and the 00s (and now the 10s?) like them.
Keep reading, kids. 

Target Age Range: upper elementary, early middle school (and ladies in their 20s reliving their childhoods)

Saturday, January 28, 2012

Substitute Creacher...or as I would call it: Mrs. Rühl's Life in Verse

Substitute Creacher by Chris Gall

I received a shipment of new books at work this week, and was making AR tests for a few when I came across this read. It's cute in a familiar way--bad kid turns into a monster to right his wrongs. Mr. Creacher subs for a class of unruly students, and he warns them of terrible outcomes to students he previously taught.

I liked the story, particularly the art work, but what made me write about it today is a poem about one of Mr. Creacher's former students, Sara. Now if you've worked or lived with me in the past ( . . . or present), it might be correct to say that I'm a cluttered person. As a teacher, I used to have issues with keeping my desk neat. Said issues may or may not have been severe enough that students would warn me about keeping it clean. "Mrs. Rühl, you're desk is getting too messy again. You're going to get in trouble again!" Fortunately, as a librarian, I have multiple desks and tables in the library and in my office, so there isn't a mountain of clutter piled high. 

Anyway, this part of the book spoke to me in volumes. And I chuckled outwardly after reading it.

Have you heard about Sara?
She crammed all her stuff
inside of her desk--
but enough was enough!

Her desk was so full
that it started to shake.
It rattled and lurched
like a minor earthquake.

Kids ran for their lives

ant the teachers threw fits,
and then Sara's desk
blew itself into bits.

It's a fun book for Halloween, or if you have students who are driving you crazy. Of course, you can also use it if you have a student who needs to learn some organizational skills.
 Target age range: elementary grades

Saturday, January 21, 2012

One for the Money

One for the Money by Janet Evanovich

I may have been one of the last women in the continental United States who had never read a Stephanie Plum book, but now I'm off that list. Thanks to Rhonda, my dear librarian friend, for her Facebook comment about reading the newest book, Explosive Eighteen, since that was what finally got me to flip open the cover of one. So keep in mind that I'm well aware that this review is circa 1994, but I was ten at the time and had no business reading this book then anyway. 

Fun and breezy, One for the Money was definitely what I would consider a "beach read," but there's nothing wrong with that--even in January. Plum is newly unemployed, has just had her car repossessed, and needs food in her fridge. She finds herself in a position to apply for an office clerk job, but jumps at the chance to make fast cash by bringing in those who have skipped bail. Her first "client" happens to be her ex, Joe Morelli, a cop in trouble for supposedly shooting an unarmed man.

Plum quickly finds herself in a number of scrapes, but these are minor since a lunatic boxer has his heart set on torturing her. Pride and the drive to prove herself keeps her from running to the cops, and her life dangerously spins out of control. 

Follow Stephanie as she tries to convince Joe to turn himself in while avoiding the wrath of a crazed fighter. I realize that statement makes this sound like a thriller, but don't let it fool you. The characters' dialogue is spicy and full of humor, which lightens the plot. Like I said, it's a fun read. I've already borrowed the next one from the library.

Target age range: adults

The Son of Neptune

The Son of Neptune by Rick Riordan

I've been a fan of Percy Jackson since he first appeared in The Lightning Thief. Greek mythology was my favorite subject to cover while teaching reading to seventh graders--and it was undoubtedly their favorite subject to learn. Needless to say, I was pretty disappointed when Percy's series ended, but Riordan brought him back in his new series, Heroes of Olympus. Like the first set of books, this deals with Greek gods and goddesses, but intertwines Roman gods into the plot. The first book in the series, The Lost Hero finds readers wondering where Percy has disappeared to, but introduces new, equally impressive characters.

However, these characters aren't in the second book (they'll be in future novels). Percy's back in Son of Neptune, although memory loss keeps him from knowing who he is, or rather, who his father is and why that's important. He makes his way into a Roman camp of demigods that's similar to Camp Half-Blood, although he's welcomed halfheartedly. Percy befriends Hazel and Frank, and the three are soon on a quest to Alaska to rescue Thanatos, Pluto's/Hades's right hand man, so the dead can stay dead. Imagine thwarting monsters to have them come back to life right in front of you. That's one of the challenges the demigods face in this book.

Kudos to Riordan for once again creating a book that hooks younger readers, particularly males. Pop culture references appear throughout the book (at one point, Thanatos whips out an iPad to check a list, and Frank prays there's not "an app for reaping souls"), making the novel relevant to readers. I love that Riordan's books open doors for children to research other topics or check out similar reads. This one is no different in that aspect; I'm sure many have compared the differences in Roman and Greek gods after starting the series. 

Lovely read. Good thing three more are coming in this set. And, hey, the final in his Egyptian gods series, Kane Chronicles, is due out in May.

Target age range: 10 and up

Sunday, January 8, 2012

The Book that Eats People

The Book that Eats People by John Perry

This was the book for last week's story time with kindergarten and first grade. I used it to introduce a cyber safety lesson (books can't really hurt you, but giving out personal info online can blah blah). However, it's a fun read for kids, since many of them ask for a "scary" book. Usually that is difficult with younger groups because you don't really want to scare them too badly, but this is fun/scary.

The text isn't really frightful per se, but if you change your inflections when reading, it can be suspenseful. As indicated by the title, the book --this book-- eats people. And it's always hungry. You should always assume it's hungry. The book eats a number of children who had peanut butter smudged fingers and who turned their backs on the book, but at the end, students are given four tips to avoid being consumed. 

A 2012 North Carolina Children's Book Award nominee, The Book that Eats People is fun and delightfully illustrated. The kids kept their attentions on the book as each page turned, which can be difficult for a five year old. Like I said, I used it to introduce a computer safety lesson, but turn out the lights and give this one a read.

Target Age Range: 6-9 years old