Saturday, February 21, 2015


This is our last week in this apartment. As of Wednesday (hopefully, God willing everything goes okay in the next few days, and we'll close on time), we will be the owners of a lovely 3 bedroom/two bath 1617 sqft brick house--or, as Wes calls it, "our hou"--a mere mile away from our current location. In the meantime, I have packed pretty much everything I can stand to pack. I'm definitely one of those people who doesn't pack clothes if I can get away with it (you know, you just take the drawers out of the dresser and move the drawer, or pull the hangers off the closet rod and shovel armloads of hanger-poking shirts, pants, and dresses into the car). We have movers coming on Friday, but since they're paid by the hour, we're hoping they'll just move our heavy stuff, and we'll have most of the boxes out of the way on Wednesday afternoon and Thursday. 

The Boxstacle Course

The rest of this entry is a montage of life in the apartment. Goodbye, Reserve at Bradbury on New Hope Rd. 

We moved in September 1, 2012, after spending the first four and a half years of our marriage in Pikeville. Ha, yeah right. After I spent the first four and a half years of our marriage in Pikeville. Tobias was only there like the last two and a half. 

The counter was never this clean of clutter again.
 None of the rooms were ever as
clean as they were when we first moved in.


We went from the 32" Sony (now in the bedroom) on the left to the 55" Samsung below. Black Friday '12 was good to Tobias. Or Tobias was good to capitalism. Take your pick. 

We were pregnant here! Well, I was pregnant here. Tobias was just part of a "we" that meant he had to listen to me whine about my swollen feet for five months. He was a very gracious listener though. 

January 2013
March 2013
June 2013

We had a few Christmases here. The first one we were going to Holland for the holidays, so we weren't going to decorate at all. During the first week of December, I couldn't take it, so I bought a cheap tree from Wal*Mart to put up for fourteen days. I think we gave it away before leaving town. 

Well, it's not a Charlie Brown tree....
We went bigger the past two years, since Santa had to visit. Watching Wesley's expressions around the lights and ornaments was magical. Clearly, I knew it would be. That's why I made Tobias put the tree up the weekend before Thanksgiving, which is pretty much a crime of the calendar. Whatever. I chalked it off to working mom guilt and got away with it. 

Christmas 2014
Wesley's first Christmas

Of course this place will always be Wesley's first home. This is where his first room was.

Wesley's Team Safari Nursery 
Of course, it only looked like that until he could toddle around and get into drawers and toys. More often than not, I'm cleaning up messes like this:
The Wesmanian Devil's natural habitat

This is the place where Tobias built (and subsequently broke) his swing without reading the instructions. Jennifer exchanged it at Target, and Aunt Beth built it the second time. 

This is the place where Wesley slept in the bouncer all day. Admittedly, sometimes my favorite time of day during the first six weeks of his life was when I could put him in the bouncer and set it on the bathroom floor for ten whole minutes, just so I could take a shower. 

What do you see? Be careful how you answer--
it may determine you're a psychopath. 
When Wesley was three weeks old, I tried to take his hand and foot prints for the framed kit we received as a gift. It turned out like this. I still hung it on his wall, and it stayed there until I packed it up to move. His footprint looks okay, but his hand print looks like a Rorschach test.  

Stretch Armstrong
For the first ten months of his life, if you came to our house, you saw a heavy sheet on the couch. Wesley had awful reflux, and we have a suede couch. Mistake. FYI - baby wipes do help with this; don't wipe up the mess with a dry towel first. I mean, in case any of you needed to know that for future reference. I wish someone had told us. Now we're moving, and I really feel like we should buy a new couch. One that's sans baby barf stains.        

We can't forget the times that Wesley spent playing outside here either. He does love his "ousside" time. He's had tons of fun on the playground sliding down the big boy slide (and giving his mother a heart attack--especially when he learned to go down head first), running through the grass, and swimming in the pool. 

This is fun. Much better than
that swing I hate.

Catchin' some rays

Pool Time

Wesley is excited about his "new hou." I've been driving him by there twice a week since our offer was accepted to prepare him for the move, and now he knows that's where we're going as soon as we turn onto the street. I'm glad that we're taking this step; it's time to move on with our lives. Besides, I'm in my thirties, it's time to quit renting, and I think home ownership is the last thing that makes me officially an adult. I've done everything else--get married, have a kid, have a career, have gray hairs you have to dye every six weeks. It's time to leave the apartment world behind. 

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